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Co-Parenting Resources

If the Court orders parties to attend co-parenting classes, this is usually because a determination has been made that a parent can benefit from co-parenting skills, tools, and knowledge to successfully communicate and parent with the other parent. Generally, each parent attends a separate co-parenting group and files a certificate of completion with the Clerk of the Court. Occasionally, the Court orders Therapeutic Co-Parenting, in which the parents meet together in counseling to improve communication regarding parenting their children. The following agencies provide co-parenting classes in Tulare County.  If you are not sure which classes to take, please review your Order for Referral to Services for specific information. 

In person Classes

    Online Classes (minimum of 12 weeks - and only if specifically ordered by the Court; a high conflict series is also offered, if ordered)

  Co-Parenting Communication Tools (Apps)