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Self-Help Resource Center / Family Law Facilitator’s Office

Welcome to the Tulare County Superior Court’s Self-Help Resource Center / Office of the Family Law Facilitator (FLF).  The Self-Help Resource Center provides free assistance with certain family, civil, and probate matters for people who do not have legal representation.  You can learn about court procedures, find and fill out the forms you need, see what steps are involved as your case goes through court, and find information about other helpful resources.

Staff at the Self-Help Resource Center / FLF Office are not your lawyers, but are neutral court employees who do not represent any parent or party, and may provide information and services to all parties in the case.   As such, the Self-Help Resource Center cannot take responsibility for your case, cannot act as your lawyer, provide you with legal advice, and cannot complete your forms for you.  Individuals are personally responsible for all aspects of their cases.

Please note the following rules related to the Self-Help Resource Center / FLF Office:

  • The information on the court’s Self Help Resource Center website or provided to you in person by Self Help Resource Center staff, is not legal advice.
  • Self-Help Resource Center / FLF Office staff are not your lawyer, will not represent you in court, and are not responsible for the outcome of your case.
  • You do not have an attorney-client privilege with Self Help Resource Center staff.  What you say to the staff is not confidential.
  • Parties on both sides of a case can get help from the Self-Help Resource Center, and parties on both sides of a case may be helped by the same staff person at the Self-Help Resource Center.
  • Self Help Resource Center services are free, regardless of how much money you make.  Anyone who does not have their own lawyer can get help from the Self-Help Resource Center.
  • Our website provides summary information and educational materials as a public service, but they may not apply to your particular circumstances.  Please remember, this website cannot take the place of advice from a lawyer.

Legal Topics that the Self-Help Resource Center / FLF Office assists with:

Family Law

We can help with:

  • Dissolution, Legal Separation, or Nullity
  • Establishing Parentage
  • Child Custody and Visitation
  • Child Support (including DCSS cases)
  • Spousal Support
  • Joinder (with exceptions)
  • Grandparent visitation
  • Stepparent Adoption
  • Modifying existing orders for custody, visitation, and support

We cannot help with:

  • Property disputes
  • Division of retirement plans (QDRO)
  • Adoptions other than Stepparent adoptions
  • Discovery / subpoena issues
  • Trial Preparation (except for brief explanation of process and forms)
  • Collections (except wage assignments for support)
  • Complex cases that require legal advice
  • Contempt

Protective Orders

We can help with:

  • Domestic Violence Restraining Order
  • Civil Harassment Restraining Order
  • Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order
  • Workplace Violence Restraining Order*

*Only if you have a sole proprietorship and you are representing yourself

We cannot help with:

  • Discovery / subpoena issues
  • Trial Preparation (except for brief explanation of process and forms)

Probate Cases

We can help with:

  • Guardianship of the Person only (including terminating / objecting to Guardianship)
  • General Conservatorship of the Person only (including terminating / objecting to Conservatorship)

We cannot help with:

  • Guardianship of the Estate
  • Conservatorship of the Estate
  • Probate (wills, trusts, etc.)
  • Real Estate Cases
  • Motions
  • Request to be Special Administrator

Evictions / Unlawful Detainer

We can help with:

  • Eviction Notices:  3-day to Pay or Quit, 30, and 60 day
  • Residential Eviction Cases (except Section 8)
  • Complaints, Answers, Default/Default Judgment, Set Asides, Stay of Eviction

We cannot help with:

  • Evictions involving Section 8 housing
  • Foreclosure
  • Discovery
  • HOA disputes
  • Trial Preparation (except for brief explanation of process and forms)
  • Mobile homes
  • Business tenants

Other Legal Topics

We can help with:

  • Name and/or Gender Change:  Adult or Minor
  • Small Claims issues
  • CARE Act proceedings (services start December 1, 2024)
  • Post Judgment Collections (limited assistance)

We cannot help with:

  • Civil claims over $12,500
  • Criminal matters, including expungement
  • Appeals
  • Juvenile Orders

Self-Help Videos:

Two videos are available that provide self-represented litigants with information about procedures, advisory services, and mediation programs for small claims and unlawful detainer cases. Each video is approximately 20 minutes in length and is available with English, Spanish, and Russian narration and subtitles:

Internet Resources

In-State Resources: 

Out-of-State Resources: