Forms & Filing
This page contains a list of Common Local Forms. Forms are provided as PDF documents. You can right-click on a document to save to your local computer.
Bail Schedule
The following schedule has been adopted by the judges of the Tulare County Superior Court and shall be used to set bail for all offenses within Tulare County. This schedule shall supersede all prior schedules.
Fee Schedule
You can download a PDF copy of the Superior Court of California, Statewide Civil Fee Schedule.
Defendant's Statement of Assets
Lists and describes a defendant's assets, income, and liabilities for the court to review when ordering payment of restitution to a crime victim in the defendant's case.
Judicial Council Forms
All State Forms can be viewed at the Judicial Council Website.
Local Forms, Information and Instructions for Filing
Local forms listed under this section are available for court users to download and use. Local forms are required in matters of Adoptions, Guardianships, Conservatorship, Family Law, Collections, and other miscellaneous matters. Local forms are also available at the Courthouse
Local Rules
Effective date of the Local Rules of the Tulare County Superior Court will be as follows
Request for Electronic Recording
Electronic recordings of court hearings can be obtained using our Request for Electronic Recording Form.
Alternatively, you can download and print a hard copy.
Standard Orders Attachment
Form FS-01, posted in accordance with Local Rule 928.