Adjudicated Newspapers
Newspapers of General Circulation for Legal Advertising in Tulare County
In Accordance with California Government Code Section 6000, et seq.
State law requires that certain documents must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the case is filed.
Courtroom Dress Code/Conduct
The following is prohibited in the courtroom.
- NO food, drink, gum or candy.
- NO cell phones.
- NO shorts, hats, tank tops or crop tops.
- NO gang colors/insignia, pursuant to Tulare County Local Rule of Court, Rule 105.
- NO communication with in-custodies, pursuant to PC4570.
Violation of the above will result in your eviction from the courtroom and may subject you to charges for contempt of Court.
Record Viewing and Copying
To access the Court's record viewing and copying policy please click the link below.