eFiling Fee & Procedures
Yes, unless you have an approved fee waiver or valid government exemption (see Government Code Section 6103). The EFSP will charge the filing fee(s) for your documents and any applicable service or convenience fees. All fees are collected by the EFSP when the filing is submitted, but only the filing fees will be transmitted to the court.
Yes. Filings submitted electronically will be rejected if they are submitted without all the required filing fees. This includes the $30 court reporter fee required in Family Law for any hearing initiated by the party. For additional information on the court reporter fee please see Government Code 68086(a).
Please check with the EFSP of your choosing for specific information regarding payment types.
Yes, the initiating document and fee waiver will be processed at the same time. A fee waiver request FW- 001 and a proposed order FW-003 must be included in your submission; however, they must be added as separate PDF document entries.
A copy of your receipt should be available in your EFSP account. Please contact your EFSP if you are unable to locate your receipt. The court is unable to produce a receipt that includes any service or convenience fees that are paid to the EFSP.
Contact your EFSP. Fees for eFiled documents will be refunded to the EFSP pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 411.20 and Government Code Section 6159.
Absent a fee waiver, filing fees are required for all parties, including court-appointed attorneys.