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Community Resources and Services

The counselor may recommend counseling or other community resources to assist the family. These can include therapy, parenting classes, co-parenting classes, supervised visitation, therapeutic reunification, drug and alcohol assessments, drug and alcohol testing, domestic violence assessments and custody evaluations.

Orientation to Family Court Mediation and Child Custody Recommending Counseling

Community Resources

If the Court orders parties to attend parenting classes, this is usually because a determination has been made that a parent can benefit from parenting skills, tools and knowledge to successfully and safely parent their child. If both parents are ordered to attend parenting classes, each parent attends a separate parenting group and files a certificate of completion with the Clerk of the Court. The following agencies provide parenting classes in Tulare County.  If you are not sure which classes to take, please review your Order for Referral to Services for specific information. 

   In Person Classes:

  Online Classes (minimum of 12 weeks - and only if specifically ordered by the Court)

If the Court orders parties to attend co-parenting classes, this is usually because a determination has been made that a parent can benefit from co-parenting skills, tools, and knowledge to successfully communicate and parent with the other parent. Generally, each parent attends a separate co-parenting group and files a certificate of completion with the Clerk of the Court. Occasionally, the Court orders Therapeutic Co-Parenting, in which the parents meet together in counseling to improve communication regarding parenting their children. The following agencies provide co-parenting classes in Tulare County.  If you are not sure which classes to take, please review your Order for Referral to Services for specific information. 

    In person Classes

    Online Classes (minimum of 12 weeks - and only if specifically ordered by the Court; a high conflict series is also offered, if ordered)

Co-Parenting Communication Tools (Apps)

If the Court orders parties to attend anger management classes, this is usually because a determination has been made that a parent can benefit from anger management skills, tools and knowledge to successfully and safely interact with the other parent and children. Generally, a parent attends an  anger management group (usually a minimum of 14 weeks) and files a certificate of completion with the Clerk of the Court. If both parents are ordered to attend Anger Management classes, the parents will attend separate classes. However, parties can also attend individual counseling that addresses anger management, if so ordered and approved by the Court. The following agencies provide anger management classes in Tulare County.  If you are not sure which classes to take, please review your Order for Referral to Services for specific information. 

  In Person Classes

  Online Classes (minimum of 12 weeks - and only if specifically ordered by the Court; a high conflict series is also offered, if ordered)

If the Court orders parties to attend a Batterer's Intervention Program, this is usually because a determination has been made that a parent can benefit from skills, tools and knowledge to prevent future incidents of abuse toward a spouse/significant other/parent of the child/or person with whom you cohabitate. This is a 52-week group series and a completion certificate is required to be filed with the Clerk of the Court. Per Family Code 3044, if a finding of domestic violence has been made by a Court, the parent must successfully complete a Batterer's Intervention Program before any modification to custody or visitation can occur. The following agencies provide Batterer's Intervention Programs in Tulare County.  If you are not sure which program to take, please review your Order for Referral to Services for specific information. 

If the Court orders parties to attend a Child Abuse Prevention Program, this is usually because a determination has been made that a parent can benefit from skills, tools and knowledge to prevent future incidents of abuse toward a child. This is a 52-week group series and a completion certificate is required to be filed with the Clerk of the Court. The following agencies provide Child Abuse Prevention Programs in Tulare County.  If you are not sure which program to take, please review your Order for Referral to Services for specific information. 

The Court orders counseling services in a variety of ways: individual for children and/or adults, conjoint counseling between a parent and child, or therapeutic reunification counseling when as child has an estranged relationship with a parent after a significant period of absence. The Court usually orders the parents to obtain and file a progress report of counseling at least 10 days prior to a court hearing date, or prior to a child custody recommending counseling session with the Court appointed counselor. Parties are usually ordered to attend counseling until it is determined by the treating therapist that counseling is no longer necessary, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. The following agencies provide counseling services in Tulare County. If you are not sure which agency to select, please review your Order for Referral to Services for specific information. 

If the parents have health insurance, they are encouraged to contact their insurance provider to obtain a list of counselors in their area. It is the responsibility of the parties to contact the providers to determine if they offer court ordered services, and will provide progress reports to be filed by the parties with the Court. It is also the responsibility of the parties to sign any releases of information necessary for the agencies to communicate with the Court. 

If the Court orders Drug or Alcohol testing, the parties will be provided a separate Drug Testing Order in Court. This order designates the party to test, the dates and frequency of testing, and the testing location and contact information. The Order for Custody and Visitation may also have specific information regarding testing and the parties are directed to review both documents to understand their testing requirements and obligations.  The following agencies provide Drug and Alcohol testing in Tulare County. 

  • Averhealth
  • Adventist Health Toxicology, 880 E. Merritt, Suite 107, Tulare, CA  93274 (559) 605-0775;

     Hours: M-F, 8:00am- 4:00pm; Fees: contact agency.

Occasionally, the Court orders the parties to participate in a comprehensive custodial evaluation, at the parties expense, if so agreed to by the parties. This is only ordered on a case-by-case basis, as these evaluations are very costly. Please contact Family Court Services at (559) 730-5000 Option 6 to request a list of custody evaluators that provide evaluations to Tulare County families.